Interview with Neil Robinson

Interview with Neil Robinson

Neil Robinson

Managing Director, Information & Cyber Risk Framework


Neil is currently responsible for the development of the Information & Cyber risk management framework at Standard Chartered across the Retail, Commercial, Private and Institutional Bank. He is a specialist in first line risk management with operational experience in investment banking, retail and commercial banking. He is a Chemical Engineer by training and started his career in process engineering before moving into technology consulting in the UK. He joined Morgan Stanley as part of the equity operations team before moving to the Royal Bank of Scotland where he covered a number of different non-financial risks covering institutional and retail clients.  

Key takeaways about the panel discussion

What is the most important thing you want people to remember from your session?

Risks can only be efficiently managed when understood in the context of the business risk impact i.e. Retail business in Nigeria losses X million client credit card details through malicious insider attack.

What is the single most compelling cyber security risk point that should persuade people to act?

Motivations of the attackers and defenders in the cyber battle are asymmetrical. Cyber attackers are motivated by their potential gains “the future”. Banks are inherently motivated by historical losses “the past”.

What is the one thing that delegates should DO following your session, if they do nothing else?

Relentlessly focus on identification of your priority business assets and reducing the attack surface (systems & infrastructure).